The MD and Chef Team Podcast

Unlocking Your Potential through Honest Self-Evaluation

Dr. Isabel MD & Culinary Nutrition Expert Chef Michael Season 5 Episode 18

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you questioned if you were on the right path? Join Dr. Isabel and Chef Michael from the MD and Chef Team as they share their powerful story of reassessing their goals mid-year. Dr. Isabel opens up about a period where frustration and tears led to a crucial turning point, emphasizing the significance of an honest self-evaluation to gain clarity in life and future endeavors. This episode is a beacon of hope, filled with actionable steps for anyone who feels lost or overwhelmed.

Discover the profound impact of understanding your "why" and how it can reignite your passion, making it easier to stay the course even when challenges arise. Our discussion covers the necessity of visualizing your goals and acquiring new skills to achieve them, illustrated with real-life business transformations that required significant change. With insights on maintaining a positive inner dialogue and the importance of a supportive team, this episode provides a roadmap to achieving clarity and growth through change. Tune in and transform your journey with the wisdom and experiences shared by Dr. Isabel and Chef Michael.

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Speaker 1:

and you two got together and I go. Thank you, I love you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. I mean, we're needing to add some capabilities on for what we're doing and changing. We needed to drop some other ones and we needed to gain some knowledge in some areas. And and this is it. It's a time now where you look at it where it can be exciting, it can be thrilling, it could possibly be overwhelming too, because when you're changing it can be overwhelming.

Speaker 1:

So now it's like okay, Welcome to the show from the MD and. Chef team. I'm Dr Isabel, medical doctor here at the MD and Chef team and who are you.

Speaker 3:

I'm Chef Michael, culinary nutrition expert. I'm the chef part of the team.

Speaker 1:

And what are we going to talk about, babe? Now, I can say that because he's my husband.

Speaker 3:

Yes, well then, we'll be talking about marriage, relationships, parenting, intimacy. We'll talk about mindsets of success, overcoming depression, anxiety. I'll be getting into functional nutrition, recipes and tips from the kitchen, and we're going to both get into how to live a long, healthy, vibrant life.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I love it. Our mission is to help you prevent and reverse disease and give you hope in the process.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah we like to have fun too.

Speaker 1:

So let's get on with the show. Fun too, so let's get on with the show.

Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome to the MD and Chef Team podcast. This is Chef Michael here, culinary nutrition expert, a doctor on a mission and I am joined today with a very special guest.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your wife. Hi, I'm Dr Isabel, medical doctor here at the MD and Chef team.

Speaker 2:

Welcome everyone, wow so glad you could join me today.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm glad you invited me into this podcast.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, hey, you're here at the MD and Chef team today, and so the podcast title today is going to be four steps to gain clarity in your future, because I don't know about you my dear. Well, actually, I think I do know about you. My dear Is that, you know, one of the things that's happened to us recently is we needed to gain some clarity for our future. We needed to take a look at these steps and say wait a second, where are we going? What's happening? Because you know, I'm not sure when you're listening to this podcast, but for us at the time of this recording, it's about halfway through the year and we had to kind of stop and take a look and say, well, if we continue to do what we are continuing doing, is it going to get us to where we want to be by Christmas, by New Year's, how are we going to be looking coming January? And we realized, oh, the answer was no.

Speaker 2:

Kaboom the answer was no. So we needed to just stop, take a step back and gain clarity for our future. Back and gain clarity for our future, and we did. And we did so if you are looking at any time I don't know any time during the year, any time in your life, and things might be feeling a little foggy, looking a little foggy, and you say, wait, I've got to get some clarity, I've got to get some direction here of where I'm going. Where is this all going? You will find the four steps in this tool today to serve you very well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So shall we get into it. Go Shall, I Shall you you shall. Before I start in the steps, though, didn't you want to say something about, you know, leading up into our decision to say, wait, we need to get clarity here, Wasn't something going on with you? Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I, I went through a period of two weeks before we kind of like, got to the point where, like, okay, we got to pivot. Actually, michael had already pivoted in his mind, but he's a very gentle soul and he always waits for me to catch up. So he waited and waited, and waited and I just I went through a period where I cried every day for two weeks. I was not depressed, I was just frustrated.

Speaker 1:

And when I am frustrated, I cry and I cried, and I cried and I didn't. I was like what is not working, I don't get it? God help me. And after two weeks you took me for a walk on the beach and kapow.

Speaker 2:

Well, it was a matter of the timing because I realized, okay, and then you actually made a statement to me on a Sunday before going to church where I realized, okay, and then you actually made a statement to me on a Sunday before going to church where I realized, aha, you're in the mindset now where you're realizing, too, that something needs to change, because you know, I had made up my mind about a week earlier that, yes, we needed to step back, get some clarity, make some changes. But if I had said, hey, we need to make changes, I don't believe you were ready at that point.

Speaker 1:

But if I had said hey, we need to make changes.

Speaker 2:

I don't believe you were ready at that point.

Speaker 1:

But when you were ready. Oh, I was so ready I was. It took it, brought me to my knees. I was that.

Speaker 2:

That's how red that's how frustrated I got, so maybe you're feeling that way too when you listen to this podcast going yes, yes, I'm frustrated, have hope. Yes, there is.

Speaker 1:

There's revelation just around the corner.

Speaker 2:

There is a process to gain clarity in your future. So four steps. Let's talk about step number one. The number one thing to do is look at your current status. Where am I at in life? Tell the truth, be honest with yourself, and this might be something where you're looking to change physically, mentally, business-wise, employment, all the many different relationships that you're dealing with. It might be with children, who knows lots of things. But no matter what you're dealing with and you want to make some changes, you first have to stop what is my current status? Where am I? And then be honest with yourself, be 100% honest and say here's where I am right now and write those things down emotionally, physically, spiritually. Write them down here's where I'm at right now. That's your step number one, would you agree?

Speaker 1:

that's a good start underline, bold, highlight where are you right now? Yes, yes I don't have anything to add to that hunt, because that just says it all okay I mean you have to be honest yeah you have to be honest with where you are right now, in order to move forward to where you want to be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, don't kid yourself.

Speaker 1:

Don't kid yourself. I'm kind of okay and don't say I'm living the life or I'm living the dream, if you're inside frustrated and don't you dare say oh, I'm doing okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm okay. Well, I guess if okay is your personal standard. Well, I guess if okay is your personal standard, then that's okay. I mean, that's up to you, yeah. But if beyond that is your personal standard, then be honest with yourself and say, well, I'm just getting by or I'm not happy.

Speaker 1:

Or I'm fine, you can tell when people say I'm fine.

Speaker 2:

You know, deep down inside you can hear Okay, Open up and let's talk. Let's talk, let's have a chat. Yeah, all right. So then next is all right so this is number two.

Speaker 2:

This is step number two. Step number two is then actually know well, what is that next goal, what is your next thing that you want to accomplish? And that could be just a month, it could be three months, six, end of the year. So I mean, for us in this example, it was looking at what we wanted to achieve physically, emotionally and business wise, financially at the end of this year. How many people did we want to serve by the end of this year that we're currently in and what are we going to? You know, just set that goal and having a look at that and we had to step back and say, okay, write those down, be honest about those. What are we looking to achieve?

Speaker 1:

Because you got to know where you're going. Yeah, if you don't know where you're going, you see our brain. If you don't know where you're going, I will finish my sentence. If you don't know where you're going, you'll be like a paper cup in a parking lot in the wind. You'll just be flowing here and flowing there and you'll just end up wherever the wind takes you. But as human beings we move forward by the picture we have in our mind. So if we've got a picture in our mind of where we want to go, then our brain will take us there. But first we got to have that picture in our mind. I've got a saying in our kitchen and it says hold the image, which means hold the image of what you want, of who you want to become, and we've had that in there for at least 12 years.

Speaker 2:

A long time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's laminated and it's hold the image.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and you know you made me think about an amazing story that's. So relates to this because, as we then set up that goal and think, okay, well, why am I needing to make some changes? Why am I needing to I'm using the word pivot why am I needed to gain some new clarity? Here is because when, once we set those goals, we realize where we are. We set that goal and it's like, oh, it's not going there. Well then, we need to make sure we're concentrating on the correct goal that we're looking to achieve.

Speaker 2:

And what made me think about this story was, you know when we spent. You know, we were in Colorado for many years. That's where we met and our daughters were born there. But I remember in Colorado there was a group of guys who used to get together and go rafting. And every year when they went rafting they would be going down and they'd want to be safe. And then they would point at the rocks and the rapids and say, oh, don't hit that rock. Oh, watch out for that rapid, don't go over there, don't go that direction. And what would happen was, when they talked like that, they'd be going down and say don't hit that rock. Guess what would happen? They'd bang into that rock and tip over.

Speaker 1:

Because they were focused, their brain was focused into that rock and tip over. Because they were focused, their brain was focused on that rock.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they always struggle with that. And then one year they made a change and they said okay, here's where we're going. We're going to go down this path. This is the path we're taking. We're going, you know, and I'm not I don't know all the technical terms of the, of the, the river and that, but they would be. This is the way we're going, we're going to take this access down through and we're going to be safe by going this way. And they concentrated on the way they want to go and not what they didn't, where they didn't want to go. And they went straight down and had no accidents, no flip overs, no nothing. It was all amazingly beautiful and they're like, oh wow, we made it. That's a really different way of doing it.

Speaker 1:

And I just want to add so the image they had was, the image was in their brain was not don't hit the rock. They weren't, they weren't faced and focused on not hitting the rock. Their image was I'm going to make it down this pathway. Yeah, they were focused on. They turned their body and their attention on what they wanted.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's so that's so important.

Speaker 2:

It's so important. It's what you want, not what you don't want. You know you focus on what you want, yeah. And so the question you want to ask yourself then is and for us it was by the end of the year, so I'll just use our example we're halfway through the year and the year. So if it's Christmas of this year and it's your best year you've had, it's the best second half of the year.

Speaker 2:

What does that look like? Picture that. Write it down, set it up. That's your goal. Picture it. Set it all up and ready to go. How many people do we got to serve? What great things are we going to do? If it's for you, let's say it's health wise, there's some goals you want to set for your health. So write those down and think to yourself okay, if it's three months from now, if it's six months from now, what does that health goal look like? What does that picture look like if it just goes exactly the way I want it to do? And then put that in your brain, make sure you have that room and just focus, focus, focus. That's your clarity direction you're heading.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Perfect, well said. That's the image you want in your brain at all times. And if you've got a right, hold the image and laminate it and put it in your kitchen, because you're always in the kitchen. Yeah, then do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or the bathroom.

Speaker 1:

We got laminated. We got laminated notes all around the house. I've been in the bathroom a few times yeah.

Speaker 2:

All right times a day too. Yeah, all right. So step three of the four steps to clarity in your future, to gain that clarity in your future is you're going to have to put action in so and you're going to need to keep motivated because things are going to happen. So this step three is so important to understand, because this is what's going to keep you motivated, this is what's going to keep the action going into achieving where you're looking to go with that step two goal you set up is. Why is that important? Why was the goal in step two important? Because, yes, setting it up, I got clarity. Now where I want to go, I've got it in my mind.

Speaker 2:

But, as we all know, there's going to be bumps in the road. Sometimes there's going to be potholes you're going to fall into. That's just life. So, when that stuff happens, what keeps us going, what keeps us moving toward what we said we wanted in number two, in the second step? This number three is why? Why do you want to have that physical goal that you want? Why do you want that health goal that you set up? Why do you want that business goal or changing employment goal or relationship goals of life or spirituality in life. Why do you want them Start to put in a place, get that into your heart. Why do you want to show up to make that happen? That's your drive, that's your motivation. That's going to make the action happen and continue.

Speaker 1:

Are you afraid of having Alzheimer's? Well, you don't have to anymore. You see, the most up-to-date medical research now shows us having Alzheimer's is an option. Yes, you heard me right Having Alzheimer's is an option. You can learn how by having your very own personalized pre-code report. Now you're probably asking me what is a pre-code report? Great question. Pre-code stands for preventing cognitive decline, and the pre-code report shows you what unique areas you can start working on right away. All of this has been made available by my genius mentor and medical doctor, dr Dale Bredesen, who has been researching this for 30 plus years and wrote the best book ever called the End of Alzheimer's. Having Alzheimer's is now an option. There is hope For more information on how to get your pre-code underway. Look for the link in the show notes. Now back to the podcast when life hits you and sometimes knocks you down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that knowing your why will get you back up when you fall down. You know a winner is somebody who gets back up. Even when you get knocked down, you get back up and the reason you can get back up is because you know your why. You got to know your why, your why is so important. Or else you'll just stay splattered on the floor and just say I give up. And then where are you going to be? You're going to be so sad.

Speaker 2:

So please know your why it's so important and it is interesting because we do most of us do hear this a lot in life and we kind of go yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard this. However, through health coaching and other types of coaching I've been doing, I've become more and more apparent to me of how important this is. When people, all of a sudden I can see they're starting to fade from their goal, they're not putting the action steps in, I always go back to it Okay, why did you start this, why are you doing this? What's the purpose? And then once they kind of speak that out and get that going in their head again, you can just see it light up in their face, you can see it light up in their heart, their brain, their eyes, like that's right, oh yeah, I kind of forgot about that, because I tell you, if we don't, you don't set this step three up, you don't have any kind of why.

Speaker 2:

You're just going to fade away. I mean, it really goes back to why do people set goals, why do people at New Year's set resolutions? And then you know, weeks later, days later, even oh well, forget it. They set it, they did number two, they set a goal, but number three they didn't do because they didn't actually cement it in their heart. There's a reason that I want to do this.

Speaker 1:

I like the word tattoo. Tattoo it into your heart. Why are you doing this? Because, just like a fire, if you're not putting in wood, then it will smolder out. So the wood is by you, constantly, every day, knowing your why.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, important, massively important Prescription. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Take your. Why pill it's not corny, it's not crazy.

Speaker 2:

It's actually very, very, very important. Otherwise fade away.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So let me write you out a prescription right now. Here's your prescription Know your why and take your why pill at least once, maybe even a hundred times every day.

Speaker 2:

As much as you need. Yeah, especially when you get hit around by life and you need to get back up, right back to the Y and say why am I doing this? Okay, great question.

Speaker 1:

Because a lot of people won't be around to pick you back up. You got to pick your. You got to be your own cheerleader. What's number four?

Speaker 2:

honey. So so far, we know to gain clarity in our future. We know where we are now, we know where we want to go and we know our why. Now we got to look at well, what are the new capabilities, what are the new knowledge, what are the things I've got to learn and grow in to achieve what I said I want to do Now.

Speaker 2:

The example I'm going to give here is recently, isabel and I did a pivot in our business where we made and you know the word pivot basically means we made a change and in the direction and we made a change. But in that change we needed to change some things. We needed to change some of our things we were talking about. We needed to change some of our language. We needed to change some of our things we were talking about. We needed to change some of our language. We needed to change some of our knowledge. We needed to gain some more knowledge in certain areas. To achieve that, we needed to look at.

Speaker 2:

Possibly maybe you need to bring different mentors in, or even, if you're working with some mentors, work with them on the direction of where you're going. But it's now the step is okay to get there, because what I've been doing so far has led me to where I currently am, but now I'm looking at some clarity going forward. So I've got to add some new capabilities, some new knowledge, some things that are going on in my life that say wait, I'm going to add those, I'm going to change those, I'm going to drop those. There might be certain things you need to drop and leave behind, which we did. Yeah, there's many different things. So you're going to the next level. You need to look at the capabilities and the knowledge and the things that you're currently working with and say, okay, are they working? Yes, no, drop some, add some. What's going to take me to that next level? So this is a little bit more. You get a little bit now more, a little more technical about what you're doing. It's so analytical.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you still do have to have this part, okay.

Speaker 1:

It's so funny because we're just doing this right now. I mean right now you just helped me with something like that and I was like, ah, this is not my superpower, this is not my superpower. And so I said, babe, you got to help me. So you were working with a company that I'm working with and you two got together and I go thank you, I love you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, we're needing to add some capabilities on for what we're doing and changing. We needed to drop some other ones and we needed to gain some knowledge in some areas. And this is it's a time now where you look at it, where it can be exciting, it can be thrilling, it could possibly be overwhelming too, because when you're changing, it can be overwhelming. So now it's like, okay, what do I need to do? What do I need to draw?

Speaker 2:

Because one of the things I have found is that if I'm adding newer things on, then I need to look, because they're probably replacing some things I don't need anymore. So I actually need to look at all right, let's not just totally add things on, because we all have a certain amount of capabilities we can handle at one time. So if I'm adding some new things and making some changes, I also need to look and say, okay, what things weren't working that I need to drop off for now. It might not be forever, but for right now, in this season, here's some things I need to let go put on hold either drop them totally or just put them on hold, and, as I'm bringing on new capabilities, that's going to take me to that goal that we've set up in step two.

Speaker 1:

I love it, bev, I love it, and also with number four, I would also add maybe a 4A is your constant inner conversation. And the inner conversation is and the inner conversation is yes, I can do this. Just say to yourself yes, I can do this.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm 62, michael's 64, and we're like training to be a hundred plus healthy, tone, sexy and rocking and rolling baby yes, you heard that, you heard that and thinking clearly, consistently, for the rest of our lives, until our last breath. Thinking clearly, consistently for the rest of our lives, until our last breath. So, as we are changing and growing and pivoting and stuff, it's very easy the older you get to say, oh, I'm too old for this. No, the inner conversation needs to change to I can do this, I can do this, I got a team, I work with the right people, I can do this, I am doing this. And that's my constant conversation is I got this, I can do this, I've got people around me, I've got smart, resourceful people around me to help me. I'm not on my own. So the inner conversation, a positive inner conversation, is very important as 4A. A positive inner conversation is very important as 4A 4A?

Speaker 2:

And what did you say also when you were just saying that, about changes, learning, knowledge, new capabilities. Isn't that great for our brain health?

Speaker 1:

Yes, so is it stretching our brain. So you and I will never have Alzheimer's, because we are constantly growing our brain and stretching the elasticity of the brain? Yes, growing it stretching it, learning new things Using that muscle, learning that? Yep, exactly, learning new things.

Speaker 2:

All right. So to recap, today on the podcast we've been talking about four steps to gain clarity in your future for where you may be right now. If you're feeling foggy, if you're feeling like it's just not going and, as Isabel and I were both feeling frustrated in some areas of our life that we're like wait, what do we got to do here? We need some clarity. We had to go back and go through these four steps ourselves. So step number one is just where am I at right now? What's my current status? And tell the truth about yourself to yourself when am I at right now?

Speaker 2:

Number two is set that goal, whatever that may be for you. Ours was halfway through the year to set up the goals and things you want to achieve by the end of the year. It might be a one month, three months, six months. For you, those goals can be emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, whatever they may be for you. For whatever that timeframe is for you, the number three step is the big, big driver is why are these goals? Why is that goal you've set up important to you? Because that's the only thing that's going to carry you through when life knocks you down, for you to get able to get back up again.

Speaker 2:

And step number four is now what capabilities and knowledge do I need to add to get me to those goals? Because I'm going to need to make some changes, because whatever you've done so far has taken you where you are now. And if you're going to pivot and change some things, well then we need to look at what do I need to add things? Well then we need to look at what do I need to add, what do I need to drop and what may just be on hold for now as I move into my new season? Good, how's that for you, my dear?

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's so good, that landed very, very well.

Speaker 2:

And may I say, would you say now we've just recently done this for ourselves, gone through all these, gone through these four steps for ourselves. Would you say that it's a couple, what? Maybe three weeks, maybe two and a half, three weeks, since we've done this, Would you say that's brought some clarity and some real direction?

Speaker 1:

for the second half of this year, and it's just all easier now because I feel like I'm, I'm, I'm flowing that word flowing I really feel like I'm flowing. Plus, I'm sleeping so much better.

Speaker 2:

Hey it could be affecting your sleep. You know it could be affecting your sleep and you might say why am I not sleeping Cause?

Speaker 1:

you're not because you need to change.

Speaker 2:

And for me I think I said this to you earlier in the day I feel like I'm fizzing. Yeah, I mean, I'm just I'm bubbling. I'm feeling the clarity is there. I'm feeling great about where it's all going. I'm waking up excited for the day, knowing that, yes, we got a direction, it's all going and it's starting to come into place, and we're putting it in place, making it happen. You want to turn life into an exciting, thrilling time. Look at any area of your life. I'll apply this tool to it and it will help you to wake up fizzing in the morning.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I like that.

Speaker 2:

All right, very good. Good for you, very good. Well, thank you for joining us today on the MD and Chef team.

Speaker 1:

Yes, thank you for your time.

Speaker 2:

Michael and Isabel here. Yes, thank you so much. We do appreciate you coming and having a listen. If you love what's going on here at the podcast, then please subscribe like share comment podcast. Then please subscribe like share comment. We'd love to be able to touch more people in the world, because we are here to serve and bring some great value to anyone who's listening. And yeah, we're here for you. So thank you for stopping by.